

squishyplanet is a Python package that can be installed using pip. If you run into issues, try installing in a fresh environment to avoid conflicts with other packages. If issues persist, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.

Mac/Linux Users#

This is the most straightforward situtation to be in when installing. All of the usual methods should work fine:

Option 1: pip install:

python -m pip install squishyplanet

Option 2: install from source:

python -m pip install squishyplanet@git:

Option 3: clone and install an editable version:

git clone
cd squishyplanet
python -m pip install -e .

Windows Users#

Things may be slightly more complicated on Windows but still manageable. One just needs to be careful with their installation of jax and jaxlib— before installing squishyplanet, check the JAX installation instructions for Windows and make sure you have the correct version of jax and jaxlib installed in your environment. After that, any of the options above should work.

GPU Users#

Since squishyplanet is written entirely in JAX, it can technically run on a GPU (or a TPU) as well as a CPU with no changes to the code. However, anyone attempting to do this will likely be dissapointed with the performance, since in its current state squishyplanet is not optimized for GPU use. Many of the operations are run sequentially to save on memory and it was entirely developed on a CPU.

If you are interested in running squishyplanet on a GPU, be sure you first follow the instructions for installing jax and jaxlib on your specific system, then install squishyplanet as normal. If you run into any issues, or even better if you’re interested in helping to optimize squishyplanet for GPU use, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.